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A Community Leader

For over 25 years Kevin has worked in the high-tech industry in engineering and management roles. He brings a focus on fiscal discipline, good governance, and operational excellence to the role of Mayor.

In his two terms as Councillor and one as Mayor, Kevin has chaired numerous boards throughout the region, including the Greater Victoria Public Library, the Greater Victoria Labour Relations Association, and has served with distinction on many boards, committees, and commissions. He is an active community volunteer and a former coach with Bays United Football Club. In 2017 Councillor Murdoch successfully led the province-wide change to exclude corporate and union donations from municipal politics. He has a proven record of “getting things done.”


Oak Bay Family Legacy and Future

Kevin and his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Swiggum, are raising their two children in the 1912 home they recently renovated. Kevin has deep ties to the community: his family moved from Scotland in the 1880s, his grandfather, George Murdoch, served as Oak Bay Councillor and Reeve from 1946-1963, and his children are the fourth Murdoch generation to live in Oak Bay.

This connection to both Oak Bay’s past and future informs Kevin’s vision of a community that will meet the needs of multiple generations while maintaining our community heritage and character.

A Record of Service

In the area of local government Mayor Murdoch serves

as the Oak Bay representative on the CRD Board, Capital Region Hospital District Board, and Capital Region Housing Corporation Board. At the CRD Mayor Murdoch serves as the CRD Governance Committee Chair and CRD Royal and McPherson Advisory Committee Chair. Murdoch also serves as Director on the CRD Core Area Liquid Waste and CRD First Nations Relations Committees.


Mayor Murdoch serves as the Oak Bay Police Board Chair, as the Greater Victoria Integrated Police Units Regional Governance Council Co-Chair, and as a Director of the BC Association of Police Boards. Murdoch is certified through the Institute of Corporate Directors / Rotman School of Management in Police Board Governance.


Mayor Murdoch is the long-term Chair of the Greater Victoria Labour Relations Association (GVLRA) Board.


Mayor Murdoch is a Director of the Greater Victoria Regional Transit Commission. 


Mayor Murdoch authored and promoted the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) motion which led to the Province's implementation of Municipal campaign finance reform.


As Councillor in former years, Murdoch served on the Board of the Greater Victoria Public Library (including four years as Vice-Chair and Chair). He chaired the Heritage Conservation Area working group, served as Council liaison to the Oak Bay Heritage Commission, Heritage Foundation, and Oak Bay Archives, Chaired the Oak Bay Website Working Group and the Floor Area Review Working Group, Co-Chaired the Community Engagement Working Group, served as Council liaison to the Oak Bay Environmental Committee, and served as a Director of the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness, Oak Bay High School Alumni Association, and St. Christopher's Montessori School.   

Hertiage of Service Reeve George Murdoch and grandson Councillor Kevin Murdoc
Kevin, Elizabeth, and daughter at Oak Bay BrushUp, Candidate for oak Bay Mayor
Kevn Murdoch Board Chair Greater Victoria Public Library GVPL

Photograph By Adrian Lam, Times Colonist

Kevin Murdoch at home with family and dog

Professional Career

For the past quarter century I have worked within the IT industry in engineering, technical design and project management. For the last two decades I've been in leadership roles, in technical and business management roles and in starting an online streaming media business; I bring financial, staffing, technical, and project leadership experience to the role of Mayor.  During my years on Council I have learned a great deal about infrastructure issues, land use planning, and the legislation affecting municipalities, and I have developed good working relationships with both municipal and Provincial politicians.  My approach to issues has been to analyse the details and to search for ways to maximize the benefit to our community.

Private Life

I could not give so much time to the community without the help of my family and friends.  My wife Elizabeth Swiggum (a Cardiologist at Royal Jubilee Hospital) has encouraged me in all my endeavors. My parents and children, ages 12 and 15, continuously offer love and support.  You all know how much I love you. 

Authorized by Kevin Murdoch

Donations will be accepted online after September 10, by cheque or cash prior to that date.

 © 2022 by Kevin Murdoch

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