Former Mayor Christopher Causton Endorses Kevin Murdoch for Mayor of Oak Bay
Kevin Murdoch has attracted widespread support from several community leaders in the weeks following his January announcement to run for Mayor of Oak Bay. Murdoch cited at the time that he was responding to community demand for better governance and leadership. The response to his announcement has been overwhelming.
Today, Kevin is announcing that former long-time Oak Bay Mayor Christopher Causton has officially endorsed Kevin Murdoch for the role of Mayor and has joined Murdoch’s campaign team as an advisor and financial agent.
“There has been a vacuum in the Mayoral leadership in Oak Bay and I think Kevin has the ideal characteristics to fill that gap,” said former Mayor Causton. “Like many others in Oak Bay, I am saddened by how the Community's trust in the leadership of this Municipality has diminished in recent years.”
Kevin stated: “I’m thrilled that Christopher is willing to share his great knowledge of the community and municipal history. And it’s not just Mayor Causton – a large number of men and women are standing up now and saying ‘we can do better than this – we must do better than the current leadership’.”
Murdoch expects this public endorsement will be a wake-up call for residents. “This is a very important election, about issues that go the heart of what community we want to live in, how it will be governed, and how we will fund it. We need to see residents of all ages and backgrounds coming out to have their voice heard on October 20th.”
"I encourage anyone in the community interested in Oak Bay’s future to talk to the future Mayor of Oak Bay ...over the next few months,” says Christopher Causton. “It’s great to see a person like Kevin, with a community legacy, a young family, business experience, and a passion for getting work done involved in local government. You will find him very knowledgeable about the business and needs of the municipality, and very open to ideas for making the community better.”
There will be a drop-in candidate meet and greet held at the Penny Farthing Public House from 3:00-6:00 next Thursday, February 22nd. Christopher Causton and Kevin Murdoch will both be in attendance.